The English Classroom
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‘The English Classroom’ is a bi-annual peer reviewed journal published by the Regional Institute of English South India, Bengaluru. The journal is being published for the past 20 years. A range of topics on English Language Teaching including teacher education courses, using literature, technology and web resources in second language classrooms has been covered over these years.
The articles submitted to the journal are subjected to blind review by experts in the field of English Language Teaching. The published articles are thus based on rigorous scrutiny, screening and review by the expert team. The journal, over the years, has contributed to the advancement of available information in the field and paved the way for further research works.
The English Classroom : A Peer Reviewed Bi-Annual Journal
Vol. 25. No.1 & 2 June & December 2023
Vol. 21 No. 2, December 2019
Vol. 20, No.1 June 2018,
Vol. 19, No. 2, December 2017
Vol. 19, No. 1, June 2017
Vol. 18, No. 2, December 2016
Vol. 18, No. 1, June 2016
To subscribe to the Journal, download the subscription form and send us the filled form by post or email.
General Instructions
- Articles submitted to ‘The English Classroom’ should be original and unpublished.
- Articles have to be submitted in soft copy ( Email / Google form) to the office.
- Articles around 2500 to 3000 words in length may be submitted to be considered for publication in the journal.
- A separate Abstract of 100 to 150 words in length should be submitted along with the article.
- A list of 5 to 10 Key Words should accompany the article.
- Author’s name, affiliation, official address and e-mail Id should be included in the article.
The Content of the Article
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12, double space
- Wherever necessary, use headings, sub-headings, tables and diagrams to make the reading of your article easier.
Referencing Conventions
- Please follow APA format for referencing.
- Alphabetical entries by authors’ last names should be made in the reference list. Multiple works by the same author should be listed chronologically.
- References in the text: Author’s last name, year and page number (if necessary). e.g. (Chakrakodi 2015:54)
- The format to be followed for referencing is given below in the following figure.
NOTE: Please cross check the final article before submission. No re-submission of the revised copy will be accepted.
If your article is published, we will be happy to send you a copy of the journal as a token of our gratitude. For any further clarifications, please feel free to write to the editor: